It’s another beautiful…well, kind of beautiful really foggy day here in Northern ..."/> It’s another beautiful…well, kind of beautiful really foggy day here in Northern ..."/> It’s another beautiful…well, kind of beautiful really foggy day here in Northern ..."/>

Twitter Three Stars 17 May 2012


It’s another beautiful…well, kind of beautiful really foggy day here in Northern California and it seems like the perfect time to draft up and send out this week’s Twitter Three Stars! If it’s as foggy where you are as it is where I am, let this serve as a ray of sunshine in your otherwise bleak day!

Third Star:

Ryane Clowe

"@ryaneclowe29 Happy mothers day!… Remember no body loves you like you mom!"

Why do mom’s have that uncanny ability to love us even when we probably don’t deserve it? Regardless, Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all you momma’s out there!

Second Star:

Brent Burns

"@Burnzie88Workout tomorrow… Surf and then bike or yoga…. #Bikram=crazy"

Yes, yes Brent, Bikram is crazy. Doesn’t look like a great day for surfing though, maybe there’s some sun in Santa Cruz…second star for being optimistic.

First Star:

Logan Couture

"@LogancoutureThank you 20/20 on TLC for saving my afternoon"

I just want to know why he was watching TLC in the first place…isn’t that the channel with all those baby story shows that make me terrified that one day I may possibly have to have children? Yikes…good to know Logan is sensitive and well informed on today’s top news stories, and gracious as well.


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